Turn Bad Publicity Into Your Strength

2 min read

Phineas T. Barnum, the 19th century American showman and circus owner, reputedly said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” If he were alive today, Barnum might find a kindred spirit in Alfred Mbai. A public relations strategist and a mediapreneur, Mbai admits negative experiences are not good. At the same time, it’s not the end of the world for entrepreneurs, as he explained during an Africa Tweet Chat. “Bad publicity is the adverse publicity that a firm may incur due to a particular reason,” he said. “This may lead to a firm’s reputation among its publics being badly tarnished…....

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Jim Katzaman Jim Katzaman is a manager at Largo Financial Services. A writer by trade, he graduated from Lebanon Valley College, Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He enlisted in the Air Force and served for 25 years in public affairs – better known in the civilian world as public relations. He also earned an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science in Public Affairs. Since retiring, he has been a consultant and in the federal General Service as a public affairs specialist. He also acquired life and health insurance licenses, which resulted in his present affiliation with Largo Financial Services. In addition to expertise in financial affairs, he gathers the majority of his story content from Twitter chats. This has led him to publish about a wide range of topics such as social media, marketing, sexual harassment, workplace trends, productivity and financial management. Medium has named him a top writer in social media.